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Our goal is to provide a little comfort to each and everyone in the household going through a cancer diagnosis and process.

Boxes Sent To Familes

When you get a cancer diagnosis it immediately starts a journey for the whole family. Needless to say: It’s not a voyage anyone wants to go on. Fortunately, there are many organizations out there to help the patient get through the process. Many foundations send care packages with socks, water bottles, notebooks and more to the diagnosed. However, for the rest of the family there is a lack of these options, and it can feel as if they’re left to work out all the same emotions as their loved one, alone. That is where we come in. Our cause is to send care packages to families with items for everyone. Our hope is to help them get through the process together, so you never feel alone.


Our Founders

Aryn Everts

Aryn is a loving mother of two beautiful children. In 2021 she was diagnosed with Stage 1B IDC. During her journey, she noticed a gap in the care process and formulated the idea for the Everts Foundation. Click to read more about OUR STORY

Matt Everts

Matt is a loving father to the same beautiful children with Aryn. He quickly noticed the effects cancer has on the whole family. After going through the cancer process as a caregiver he wants nothing more than to help others.

How you can GET INVOLVED


Right now we are 100% self funded. We are currently working on our donation structure. Our foundation is still young and growing. Check out our DONATE page to sign up for notifications. That will be live soon.


We are always looking for volunteers. If you want to help us with events, marketing, fundraising, sharing your own story, helping others through their journey or even just packaging boxes to send to families. CONTACT US


Are you hosting an event you think our cause would benefit from? Are you an avid event planner and would like to donate your time and expertise? CONTACT US we are always looking for fundraising opportunities.


Our care packages have something for everyone. There is no cost to the family. We pride ourselves on bringing comfort to everyone going though the journey.

Arlos Family

Thank you for the amazing package! Everyone loved what was inside.

Little Family

My husband was almost in tears someone thought of him through this process.

morelo Family

We love what you are doing. It’s true, this is a journey we are ALL going though.

camp Family

Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference. THANK YOU for Everything

Refer your family or a family You Know

We are actively looking for families with recent breast cancer diagnosis to help them though our comfort packages. If you or a family you know are starting the journey LET US KNOW. Each one of our boxes has something inside for the whole family. The information will stay confidential and is completely free. All we ask in return is to help spread the word of our foundation to families in need.

Foundation Volunteers
Be a Volunteer
With US

Our volunteers allow us to continue to operate efficiently. We couldn’t do what we do without each and everyone of them. Are you ready to make a difference? CONTACT US

Active Volunteers

© Copyright 2023 Everts Foundation